10 January 2013

Wilbraham Public Library: Full House for Session III

[caption id="attachment_369" align="alignleft" width="300"]Wilbraham Public Library Session III Wilbraham Public Library Session III[/caption]

This was Session III of "Introduction to Genealogy and Family Research".  This session was titled "Becoming a Genealogy Detective".  Maybe that why so many people showed up!  This crowd was double the number of people who attended Session II last December.  We managed to get through all the material planned for the night.  Lots of great questions and great audience participation.  Although the program was scheduled to end at 8 PM, only one person left at 8....everyone else stuck around for an additional half hour.       These sessions were held under the auspices of the Western Massachusetts Genealogy Society.  WMGS holds monthly meetings in Agawam, MA 10 months of the year where speakers on a wide variety of subjects make presentations which are free.  Membership is only $20/year.

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