15 January 2013

"Lest We Forget" January 16, 1913...Clem gets the days mixed up!

[caption id="attachment_433" align="aligncenter" width="219"]This is the diary "Lest We Forget", a small 4X5 book in its 100th year! This is the diary "Lest We Forget", a small 4X5 book in its 100th year![/caption]

Here's today's entry:
We did a little better today. Weather was a little warmer about 10⁰ below. Steve and I walked to Carval (?) left Stony Plain at 1 oclock and got back at 3.25 PM. 17 miles. Cullerne went to Edmonton in the afternoon. I wrote to Jim Fisher.

[Note: At this point in the diary, Clem started filling in Saturdays’ log on Friday’s page. So he crossed out “Friday” and “17” and wrote in “Saturday” and “18”. Then he did the same for Saturday and Sunday, making “Saturday” “Sunday, January 19” and “Sunday” “Friday, January 17”. In the interest of accuracy and to maintain the way the diary was written, I have followed the exact transcription as it appears.]

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