06 January 2013

Lest We Forget for January 7, 1913

The sign reads: "SUMMIT of YELLOWHEAD PASS and WEST BOUNDARY of JASPER PARK ALTA."  Each corner has the name of the railroad, "GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY".  Clem Dickson, arms folded, stands just above the word "TRUNK" over the upper right hand corner.

The left side of the sign reads, "PRINCE RUPERT 498 MILES" and the right reads, "WINNIPEG 1045 MILES".  It looks as though the team heading west out of Winnipeg was making better time than the eastbound team out of Prince Rupert.  That makes sense as the Prince Rupert team had a much more difficult job!

Yellowhead Pass, Jasper Park, Alberta, Canada

Here's Clem's diary entry for Tuesday,January 7, 1913

Left north yards at 930 for Story Plan (sic).  Arrived at Stony Plain 11 oclock had dinner at the hotel.  The weather a little colder.  The wind was very high and cold.  Snowed a little all day. Weather about 23 below.  Cullerne went to town was in all day came out on the 1118 train.

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