28 January 2013

Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate Program

Well, I'm to be congratulated! I've just completed the first module in the Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate Program. It's an on-line course (back to school???) with 5 modules scheduled to run about 14 weeks in all. The schedule is tight: get through every section and submit the work for grading on time. And there's a very good reason....the modules disappears one at a time for good! If your not done, you've failed that section.

This first module is titled "Foundations of Genealogical Research". It covers standards, processes, source citation (not easy!), finding information and what to do when you find it, manuscripts (any unpublished document---who knew?), repositories, on-line resources, planning and reporting. This is a great deal more disciplined and structured than I ever could have imagined.

But, here's why I'm to be congratulated: Not because I finished...I snagged an "A"!! Good for me!!

Heads up, though. The upcoming modules are promised to ramp up in difficulty.

Now stop congratiulating me and wish me "good luck!"


  1. Good luck! I'm still waiting for my final grade.

  2. Great Job Dave! Best Wishes with the Course!

  3. Appreciate the encouragement...thanks!!

  4. Great to hear from you, Robert! Thanks for the encouragement. Will you be at NERGC this April? And thanks for following the blog! I'm quite new at the blogging business and I'm ineerested to know how you found it... Was it LinkedIn?

  5. Hi Dave! I think you are right that I picked it up off of LinkedIn and then i added it to my Google Reader so i could follow it a bit easier. I just wrapped up the ProGen12 course and it is really good too. Hoping to do the BU course someday as well. Hoping to make NERGC, as it will be fantastic this year!

  6. That's great. Documentation and keeping track of everything is so important. I am still such an amatuer at this, meaning not real organized!

  7. Come to one of my classes! I'm starting one in Brimfield, MA next week. And another in Ludlow, MA at the end of February... Unless commuting is a problem!
