28 January 2013

"Lest We Forget" Entry for January 28, 1913

I'm running out of transcriptions! I started this a long time ago, but never did anything with it. So, I've had a Word document on my computer from which I've been just doing a copy/paste....pretty simple. But starting February 5th, I have to go to the original diary to continue posting the entries. I just have to be careful not to break the binding or the spine. It's a little brittle!

Tuesday, January 28, 1913

We went out on the line to the Quarrie (sic). We run levels over it in the afternoon

Steve and I put in the station on it in the morning

We had dinner at the hotel

Weather was very mild a little rain and snow all day sun came out for a little while in the afternoon


  1. Have you read the blog A Hundred Year Ago by Sheryl? She is transcribing her grandmother's diaries from a hundred years ago. Her format is very similar to yours. She has been writing about it for over 2 years now. :)

  2. And have you thought about joining Geneabloggers? It would get a bit more traffic to your blog.

  3. I haven't seen "A Hundred Years Ago" but I might take a look for it. I'm buried in a "Foundations of Genealogical Research" course at BU... It's on-line but the timing of each module is tight!

    Thanks to your suggestion. I've "applied" for the geneabloggers listing. Funny, I've been on and off that list...usually drop it when the volume of e-mail gets crazy!

  4. Hi David, I'm in your BU class :) Deborah
    You don't have to "apply" for geneabloggers, just let Thomas know you want to be included and then post the geneabloggers widget on your blog. There are instructions for what you need to do on the site. Then your blog gets posted in the master lists and it really helps improve your traffic, especially if Thomas lists your blog as a "new" find on Saturday. I think you are talking about subscribing to geneabloggers posts. I never get emails from them, just check out the site a couple times a week.
