24 September 2013

Western Mass Genealogical Society

Although WMGS is a relatively small, local society, we have an exciting group of speakers lined up for this season. We're reaching out nationally with new technology that allows us to hear from experts from just about any location with internet access! We meet the first Wednesday of each month from September to June. The meetings are open to the public so members, bring your friends. Membership is only $20 per year.

Our first speaker when our season opened last month was Cliff McCarthy. Cliff is the Archivist at the Museum of Springfield History. He gave a very understandable presentation on DNA and how it relates to family research.

Our next meeting is October 2nd (which happens to be my sister's birthday...Happy Birthday Diane!!) we'll hear Lisa Dougherty, an expert in Irish research. You can visit her web site by clicking here: Upstate New York Genealogy. I've heard her speak at other venues. She is very knowledgeable, highly experienced and offers a variety of genealogical services. And she has a very interesting presentation. Bring a notepad...I think it would be handy!!

Soon, we'll be hearing from Maureen Taylor. Maureen is an internationally known photo expert. While that in and of itself doesn't sound all that relevant to family research, a quick visit to her website will tell the full story. Click the name here Maureen Taylor where you can read about here books, such as 3 volumes of PHOTOGRAPHS of REVOLUTIONARY WAR PATRIOTS!! These are Americans who were involved in the war and who survived into the age of photography, sometime after 1839. Speaking of "ages", Maureen will be with in a virtual environment; she'll be at home and we'll be at the Agawam Senior Center!!

D. Barry Sheldon has also agreed to speak to us in another "virtual environment" in the spring. He has many subjects to discuss but I felt that "Breaking Down Brick Walls" might be a good one. I'm open to suggestions!

Denise Martinez of the Chicopee City Clerk's office is a returning speaker who will give us insights into what a clerk's office can do to aid our research, what records are open to the public and other issues that are specific to Chicopee such as hours, fees, etc.

Yours truly will present a research "lesson" titled "Strategies You Never Thought of...Search Sites you never heard of!" That will be the same program that I'll be presenting in a webinar with dates to be announced.

All in all, it's a great year for WMGS. We've added quite a few members, we have some great presentations coming up, our Thursday evening computer research coaching group has had every seat filled for one week in a row!! We're on a roll! By the way, don't be discouraged about the full room for the Thursday research coaching group. Just get in touch with the group at westmassgen@gmail.com or with me at dave@oldbones.info to check on availability. We meet the 3rd and 4th Thursday each month from September to July at 6 PM in the computer lab at the Agawam Senior Center. These sessions are free to the membership and a token charge of $10 to non-members.

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