29 September 2013

Parent's Rights versus Grandparent's Interests - Insights from the Law

There is a fantastically informative and often entertaining blog from a renowned genealogist, lawyer and overall interesting person, Judy G Russell.  Visit www.legalgenealogist.com for today's post "Games grandparents play."  (Sorry...the hyperlinks don't seem to be working today!) It's a subject that, frankly, I never thought about.  But at the same time, I've never had an urge to swab any of our grandkids without their parent's knowledge.  Perhaps we'll get to that someday.  There's just a few more pressing priorities at this time!

I subscribe to "The Legal Genealogist" and manage to read most of what she presents. I strongly recommend that you subscribe as well...Lots of good "stuff"!  I've seen her speak at several venues, heard her on several webinars and look forward to the next chance I get to be further enlightened.

Speaking of grandkids, our family was blessed again this morning with the latest bundle to join the clan.  Raegan Louise was born this morning and weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces.  Her name is taken from her grandfather's first name, Ray, and her paternal great grandmother's name, Louise.  She has a cousin named Lillie Rae whose middle name is after the same grandfather Ray.  I think it's very creative that the sisters chose to name their girls after their father.  And good luck to Sammie, Chad and Raegan!

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