30 July 2013

Lest We Forget---May 19, 20 and 21, 1913

Today, Clem gives us his semi-regular weather report. Seems to be a few great spring days this week.

Lest We Forget

Monday, May 19, 1913

Weather a little warmer and a little rain in the morning.

No work. Can't get west big slide at On [-?-] 31

This afternoon we got water for the cook.

After supper had a game of base ball till it started to rain.

[NOTE: The other day, I was going to comment that "baseball" was called "base ball" in the 19th century. Clem had used "baseball" and my comment was going to be that the combined words were already being used in 1913. Then, along comes my grandfather and honestly, I'm not sure if he used "base ball" because that's how it was spelled in 1913 or because, as we have seen, his spelling left a lot to be desired!
[caption id="attachment_1074" align="alignright" width="225"]Sunny and warm, a "big slide" and a little base ball! Sunny and warm, a "big slide" and a little base ball![/caption]

Tuesday, May 20, 1913

Weather fine and warm

sun out nearly all day did nothing but sleep all morning

In the afternoon R Johnson and I played base ball for a while in the afternoon

After supper Gilbert and I went for a walk up on the hill

we took two guns with us but saw nothing

[caption id="attachment_1075" align="aligncenter" width="236"]Sleeping, base ball, walking and hunting... Sleeping, base ball, walking and hunting...[/caption]

Wednesday, May 21, 1913

Weather fine and warm all day. Outfit left Yellowhead Pass at night

after dinner got to Lucerne at 1 30 fot to work at 2 oc

walk till 6 on bridge 1 mile from siding

after supper Alaban Fill [-?-] went to bridge to fish but got nothing

only fish about an hour

[caption id="attachment_1076" align="alignleft" width="232"]A little working...a little walking...a little fishing A little working...a little walking...a little fishing[/caption]

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