04 May 2015

Lots to Talk About in New York Research

Seal of New York.
Seal of New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, I learned a few things that should be of interest to anyone researching in the State of New York, the veritable "Black Hole" of genealogical research!

First, here's a post I put up at http://bit.ly/WestMassGen, the Facebook page of the Western Massachusetts Genealogical Society:

The New York State Family History Conference is being held this September in Syracuse, New York. Similar to the recent New England Regional Genealogical Consortium conference held in Providence, Rhode Island, this event is a regional conference, “A Federation of Genealogical Societies.” Early bird rates apply until May 31, 2015. The full 3-day conference is only $150 (early bird) or $175 after May 31st. Read all the details here: http://www.nysfhc.org/index.html where you can see the extensive list of outstanding speakers, the rates for partial registrations, hotel rates, exhibitors and sponsors.
I’m planning on registering myself and would be happy to travel with someone. I’m going to spend some time with my sister and her family while I’m out there….save a little on hotel expense!
Let me know if you’re interested at dave@oldbones.info.

And here's the other New York genealogy research item I need to mention:

More good news for New York researchers....well, sort of...www.GenealogyBank.com has
just announced a large addition to their already huge collections of newspapers. They've
added 12 newspapers from th 18th and 19th centuries including the New York Gazette
(New York, New York) for 1730 through 1738. It is a paid subscription site, but it is one I
have subscribed to for many years. I don't know of any newspaper sites that could help me
any better than Genealogy Bank! And that includes Google! This link should get you to the
specific announcement: http://bit.ly/GenealogyBank-1700-1800. 

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