27 March 2014

One of the many reasons to share your DNA results

This is the story of David Dyson, a retired teacher, who found a relative he knew very little about and wasn't looking for.  Actually, it would be more accurate to say the relative found him.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="75"]An overview of the structure of DNA. An overview of the structure of DNA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

I have my DNA posted at a few legitimate DNA testing companies which has certainly shown me hundreds of possible relatives scattered around the world.  However, I've had no solid hits.

But this story is quite different from the usual story of finding matches in the growing pool of DNA results.  What it does is underscore the importance of DNA technology and how far it has advanced in what seems to be a very short period of time. Here's the link to Kent Online so you can read about David Dyson and his truly long lost relative!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this story. What a great tool for good DNA has become.

  2. DNA is something I am working on understanding better. I have a pretty solid, recent, brick wall that I think DNA might be my only possibility left.

  3. I commented before I read the story - what a great story! Thanks for sharing. DNA really does seem like a miraculous tool for genealogy research.
