Here's the answer: Indexing! See "30 Day Indexing Challenge." Simply put, you look at a hand written document, transcribe it by typing what you see into the appropriate fields and submit! Each document is indexed twice. Discrepancies are sent to "Arbitrators" to resolve those discrepancies. Once all 3 steps are complete, VOILA! You can search for the individuals within that record and get the data you need for your research.
I'm reblogging from "thegenealogygirl" who has thrown down the research gauntlet and is asking volunteers to step up and assist with this vital part of everyone's research.
Try the program at where you'll see links on the home page to get you started. Click "Indexing" just below the large picture. It will take you to this page where you can "Test Drive", "Get Started", "Find a Project" (from easy to very difficult!!) and "Get Help".
It's easy...really!!
Thank you for reblogging this!