15 January 2013


Tomorrow is January 16, 2013. Not a particularly auspicious day, but it will be the first time I've been back in school in over 40 years! Well, saying that I’ll be “in school” is a stretch because in the 21st century you can be “in school” and in the living room at home at the same time. So, we’ve broken at least one of the basic tenets of physics: an object can now be in 2 places at the same time! And I’m here to say it works.

I’m not intimidated about taking a class even if it is Boston University, but I’m a little intimidated about the fact that it wasn’t cheap and I feel highly motivated to be successful…no pressure!!! Making a time commitment; doing the reading; writing the assignments; passing…and all in a mere 16 weeks. Wish me luck!

The class will be a very intensive course in genealogical research. In it, I hope to expand my knowledge of where to go to get the data I need and what to do with it once I’ve found it! It’s not good enough to just find something at somebody’s web site and transcribe the information. It’s all about documentation, sources and proof. There are certainly many challenges, many of which I’m likely not even aware of.

I’m always aware that I don’t know what I don’t know, and that’s what makes this new adventure so interesting. Since I obviously don’t know what I haven’t learned yet, the prospect of improving my skills in multiple areas is a pretty exciting prospect. Although I’m arguably a bit of an expert in my “other career”, genealogy can be a daunting field to undertake. Just reading blogs from other expert researchers over the past year or so shows that just having a subscription to a couple of genealogy web sites barely scratches the surface.

I’ll continue to post about the course….if I have the time!

Please visit Old Bones Genealogy and Family Research


  1. Hey, Dave... Please do let us know how it goes. I'm currently enrolled in the National Genealogical Society Home Study Course, about 2/3 of the way through it, and am on the waiting list for the ProGen Study Group, a 19-month study of Mill's "Professional Genealogy". After those, I'll maybe take a shot at BCG certification.

  2. Hi Dave...I get it. I just finished my Bachelor of Science degree at 53. It is an incredible challenge and worth the time and investment. Go get 'em!

  3. This is a follow-up on the BU Course...As you may have seen in tonight's blog, I just finished up the first of five modules. And, a day early! Module two starts Wednesday at 10 AM!
