Between on-line education (Genealogy at BU...), attending to some family business and participating in a conference in New Hampshire, my best efforts and commitment to on "LEST WE FORGET" has, unfortunately, been put aside!
I know I'm way behind on the blog-a-day concept, but I'll get there!
Just a few comments about the conference. It's called the New England Regional Genealogical Conference NERGC) and it's held every 2 years. The last conference in 2011 was an easy one for Karen and I to get to as it was held in Springfield, virtually down the road from our house. This latest was held in Manchester, NH and involved spending a few days at the Radisson...not cheap, but being able to attend was worth it.
Several nationally known experts held sessions over a three day period. There were at least 6 sessions going on at once, so it was important to pick your subjects of interest early and plan your day. Special evening sessions and luncheons filled out just about every minute of every day. The interesting thing for me beyond meeting people and "schmoozing" was to be asked to moderate a table at the Saturday luncheon. I even got a chance to meet some of the instructors and fellow students from the BU class. With all the genealogy classes and subjects I've been teaching, I'd like to get a chance to conduct a one of the sessions at the next conference in Providence, RI. I've got 2 years to work on it!